Matamata Medical Centre Ltd.

Rawhiti Avenue, Matamata

About Us

Welcome to Matamata Medical Centre

Our team of highly skilled doctors, nurses, paramedics and reception are available to assist you with managing your health. We're glad to have you with us in your health journey. If there is anything we can do for you, please contact us by email, phone, or drop in and see our team.

If you have a medical emergency, you should call 111 immediately.

Opening Hours

Mon 8:30 AM 7:45 PM
Tue 8:30 AM 7:45 PM
Wed 8:30 AM 7:45 PM
Thu 8:30 AM 7:45 PM
Fri 8:30 AM 7:45 PM
Sat 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
Sun 10:00 AM 12:00 PM

Language Spoken

About Us

Welcome to Matamata Medical Centre

Our team of highly skilled doctors, nurses, paramedics and reception are available to assist you with managing your health. We're glad to have you with us in your health journey. If there is anything we can do for you, please contact us by email, phone, or drop in and see our team.

If you have a medical emergency, you should call 111 immediately.

Fees Enrolled and Funded

Age category Enrolled Patients Fee - Weekdays before 5pm Enrolled Patients Fee (CSC Holders) Enrolled Patients - ACC Consultations - Before 5pm Enrolled Patients Fee - Weekdays after 5pm Enrolled Patients with CSC after 5pm
Under 14 yrs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
14-17 yrs $35.00 $13.00 $25.00 $57.00 $47.00
18-24 yrs $45.00 $19.50 $35.00 $80.00 $70.00
25-44 yrs $59.00 $19.50 $35.00 $80.00 $70.00
45-64 yrs $59.00 $19.50 $35.00 $80.00 $70.00
65+ yrs $50.00 $19.50 $35.00 $70.00 $60.00
Enrolled Patients Fee - Weekdays before 5pm Regular General Medicine Consultation
Enrolled Patients Fee (CSC Holders) All Consultations
Enrolled Patients - ACC Consultations - Before 5pm If your consult is accident related.
Enrolled Patients Fee - Weekdays after 5pm Monday to Friday after 5pm
Enrolled Patients with CSC after 5pm Enrolled Patients with CSC after 5pm

Fees Enrolled and Funded

Enrolled Patients Fee - Weekdays before 5pm

Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $35.00
18-24 yrs $45.00
25-44 yrs $59.00
45-64 yrs $59.00
65+ yrs $50.00

Regular General Medicine Consultation

Enrolled Patients Fee (CSC Holders)

Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $13.00
18-24 yrs $19.50
25-44 yrs $19.50
45-64 yrs $19.50
65+ yrs $19.50

All Consultations

Enrolled Patients - ACC Consultations - Before 5pm

Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $25.00
18-24 yrs $35.00
25-44 yrs $35.00
45-64 yrs $35.00
65+ yrs $35.00

If your consult is accident related.

Enrolled Patients Fee - Weekdays after 5pm

Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $57.00
18-24 yrs $80.00
25-44 yrs $80.00
45-64 yrs $80.00
65+ yrs $70.00

Monday to Friday after 5pm

Enrolled Patients with CSC after 5pm

Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $47.00
18-24 yrs $70.00
25-44 yrs $70.00
45-64 yrs $70.00
65+ yrs $60.00

Enrolled Patients with CSC after 5pm

So, what are you waiting for?

Your health belongs in your hands..