The Doctors Bayfair

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Girven Road, Mount Maunganui
(Open Now)

Opening Hours

Mon 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
Tue 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
Wed 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
Thu 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
Fri 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
Sat 8:00 AM 2:00 PM
Sun 8:00 AM 2:00 PM

Language Spoken

Fees Enrolled and Funded

Age category Enrolled Patients Casual Patients
Under 14 yrs $0.00 $5.00
14-17 yrs $30.00 $42.00
18-24 yrs $41.00 $47.00
25-44 yrs $44.00 $75.00
45-64 yrs $44.00 $75.00
65+ yrs $41.00 $75.00
Enrolled Patients ACUTE consults incur an extra charge of at least $5. NEW PATIENTS are charged a one off fee of $58.
Casual Patients Acute consults incur an additional charge of atleast $5. Community Services Card Holders may incur reduced fees, please ensure you advise reception.

Fees Enrolled and Funded

Enrolled Patients

Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $30.00
18-24 yrs $41.00
25-44 yrs $44.00
45-64 yrs $44.00
65+ yrs $41.00

ACUTE consults incur an extra charge of at least $5. NEW PATIENTS are charged a one off fee of $58.

Casual Patients

Under 14 yrs $5.00
14-17 yrs $42.00
18-24 yrs $47.00
25-44 yrs $75.00
45-64 yrs $75.00
65+ yrs $75.00

Acute consults incur an additional charge of atleast $5. Community Services Card Holders may incur reduced fees, please ensure you advise reception.


  • Immigration Medicals



    You do not need to bring immigration forms with you. The medical is completed on line.



    You will be required to have two appointments:

    • The first appointment you will see the administrator for a photo and to sign a declaration, followed by the Practice Nurse (please allow approx.1 hour for your appointment).  If you require blood test and x-ray allow an additional 1 hour.

    • Later in the week you will see the Doctor.


      Payment of $300 must be made when the appointments are booked and the application form filled out. (credit card, eftpos, cash or cheque accepted for payment)


      Any cancellations or changes to bookings must be made at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. A fee of $150 will be charged for non-attendance.


    The applicant must bring the following to the nurse and doctor appointments:

    §  Current valid passport

    §  Glasses or contact lenses

    §  Details of any prescription medicines you are currently taking

    §  Details of hospital admissions and surgeries (dates if possible)

    §  Specialist reports if you have any known medical conditions

    §  Family medical history if known


    Please be aware of the following:

    §  Women aged 45 years and over must have a breast examination at the Doctors appointment. Please feel free to bring a chaperone or let the nurse know if you would like one.

    §  Children under 16 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian present.

    §  A urine sample will be taken during your first consult with the nurse.  Women, please do not make your nurse appointment at a time when you are menstruating as this will affect the result.

    §  Children – under 11 do not usually require a chest X-ray, under 15 do not usually require blood tests, under 5 do not require urine samples unless there is a previous clinical indication.


    There are separate charges for blood tests and X-ray

    • The Pathlab charges begin at $100, the price can exceed this depending on the tests required.
    • The x-ray cost is $140.00

    (both the above are payable on the day by cash, eftpos or credit card.)


    Please contact Bayfair Doctors and advise the nurse if you require an interpreter. If the nurse questions your ability to interpret questions you may be asked to re-book at a time that an interpreter is available.

    This must be an independent interpreter, NOT a family member or friend.


    If you have any concerns regarding the immigration medical, please feel free to contact one of the nurses directly on Phone: 07 5726800


    We look forward to being of assistance to you.


  • Well Baby Checks

  • Babies are checked periodically during their first year of life to ensure that they are developing correctly. The first appointment is usually a few days after the mother and child have returned home after the birth, then a fortnight later, then monthly up to four months then at six, nine months and at a year. Babies are weighed and measured to make sure that they are arriving at the various developmental milestones. 
    Apart from checking an infant’s physical and emotional growth, these sessions provide a great opportunity for parents to ask questions from an expert and have any problem addressed; difficulties with breastfeeding or sleep for example. They are also used to discuss immunisations and vaccinations.

So, what are you waiting for?

Your health belongs in your hands..