Hong Kong Surgery



General Practitioners Surgery

Queens Road, Panmure, Auckland
(Closed - Opening again at 8:30 AM)

About Us

Hong Kong Surgery is a modern primary healthcare facility, which offers you a full range of family medical services in the heart of the Panmure.

  • Adult & Children Family Health Services                                              
  • ACC
  • Chronic Diseases Management and Immunization
  • Driving and Diving Medicals
  • ECG and Lung Function Test/Spirometry
  • Women's Health, Cervical Smear              
  • Early Pregnancy Care
  • Men's Health
  • Minor Surgery                                                 
  • Skin Cancer Check
  • Travel Health and Vaccination

Opening Hours

Mon 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
Tue 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
Wed 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
Thu 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
Fri 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

Language Spoken

Chinese, English, Mandarin

About Us

Hong Kong Surgery is a modern primary healthcare facility, which offers you a full range of family medical services in the heart of the Panmure.

  • Adult & Children Family Health Services                                              
  • ACC
  • Chronic Diseases Management and Immunization
  • Driving and Diving Medicals
  • ECG and Lung Function Test/Spirometry
  • Women's Health, Cervical Smear              
  • Early Pregnancy Care
  • Men's Health
  • Minor Surgery                                                 
  • Skin Cancer Check
  • Travel Health and Vaccination

Fees Enrolled and Funded

Age category Enrolled Patient
Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $10.00
18-24 yrs $19.00
25-44 yrs $19.00
45-64 yrs $19.00
65+ yrs $15.00
Enrolled Patient Fees may be subject to change without notice, please contact our receptionist for more details

Fees Enrolled and Funded

Enrolled Patient

Under 14 yrs $0.00
14-17 yrs $10.00
18-24 yrs $19.00
25-44 yrs $19.00
45-64 yrs $19.00
65+ yrs $15.00

Fees may be subject to change without notice, please contact our receptionist for more details


  • Well Baby Checks

  • Babies are checked periodically during their first year of life to ensure that they are developing correctly. The first appointment is usually a few days after the mother and child have returned home after the birth, then a fortnight later, then monthly up to four months then at six, nine months and at a year. Babies are weighed and measured to make sure that they are arriving at the various developmental milestones. 
    Apart from checking an infant’s physical and emotional growth, these sessions provide a great opportunity for parents to ask questions from an expert and have any problem addressed; difficulties with breastfeeding or sleep for example. They are also used to discuss immunisations and vaccinations.
  • Personal Health Checks

  • We recommend that our patients have regular personal health checks so that we can discuss with you how to keep yourself healthy throughout your life. These health checks include talking to you about any current health issues, questioning you about any symptoms you may have, reviewing past medical problems , discussing with you significant family medical problems and reviewing general lifestyle issues like diet, exercise and smoking behaviour. We usually do some blood tests and in some cases recommend further special tests like a chest X-ray.  Our suggestions for the frequency of these medicals are at least 1 medical before 40 years, every 2 years in your 40s and 50s, yearly over 60. Your doctor may suggest having a medical more frequently in some circumstances.

    Please download and complete a copy of the health check questionnaire required for a personal health check.  Please bring the completed questionnaire when you attend for a personal health check.
  • Repeat Prescription

  • Presciption Policy
    Seeing your doctor to discuss and monitor your ongoing medical conditions is the best way to obtain repeat prescriptions. Providing repeat prescriptions without seeing you is at the discretion of your doctor.

    We will inform you if an appointment with your doctor is needed or if we require any further information to issue the prescription when you call our nurse. If you order your prescription via ManagingMyHealth, we do not routinely contact you, the prescription will be ready within 48 hours (2 working days). (There will be a delay over weekends and public holidays).

    •you have not been seen for the last prescription OR
    •been in the hospital since you have last seen your doctor OR
    •your medication was altered at your last visit by your doctor OR
    •you have seen a specialist and medications were altered OR
    •you are requesting an antibiotic or sleeping pill

Also on site

  • General Practitioner
  • Allergy
  • Arthritis & Rheumatology
  • Dermatology
  • Diabetes
  • Family Planning
  • Gastroenterology
  • Geriatrics
  • Hypertension / Heart Conditions
  • Immunisation – General
  • Immunisation - Travel Medicine
  • Otolaryngology
  • Paediatrics
  • Respiratory
  • Womens Health / Gynaecology
  • Practice Nurse
  • Practice Manager
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Immunisation - General
  • Mens Health
  • Musculoskeletal Medicine


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So, what are you waiting for?

Your health belongs in your hands..