Urgent Care Rototuna


Navin Rajan - General Practitioner Managing Director

About Me

I am the Managing Director of the Tui Medical group of medical clinics and work half time as a general practitioner. I worked initially at Waikato Hospital as a psychiatry registrar for five years before joining general practice and becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. My wife and I are blessed with two fantastic boys and we live in Hamilton. I want to contribute to improving health in our community and in particular the poorest and often elderly who cannot afford to access primary care or preventive medicine. It is possible to extend New Zealand’s excellent primary health care to the very poor by integrating the skill set of nurse practitioners, physician assistants, occupational therapists and social workers working as a team. This expanded general practice team can deliver holistic care to our community within the framework of the existing funding available to primary care.

Language English
Qualifications MB;BS, FRNZCGP
Registration 22515
Vocationally Registered Yes

General Practitioner, Accident & Medical Practitioner

So, what are you waiting for?

Your health belongs in your hands..