Rata Medical


Dr Vivien Edge - GP

Fax (03) 548-7903

About Me

I am proud to be a member of the team at Rata Medical. I love my work as a GP and feel privileged to provide care to our patients. I enjoy the variety, the challenges and rewards of General Practice. I strongly believe in the importance of being 'patient-centred' and of relationships in health care, and being an advocate for you. Outside the practice I do some work at the Nelson-Tasman Region Hospice and in sleep medicine, while to relax I enjoy life on a small rural property, outdoor activities (gentle kayaking and cycling), books, art and travel. I have lived and worked in the Nelson-Tasman region for 20 years now, have brought up my family here and feel lucky to call it home.

Language English
Qualifications MBChB, DA, DRCOG, FRNZCGP, PGDipGP
Registration 18490
Vocationally Registered Yes

General Practitioner

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