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 This Web site is secured with Digital Certificates from GoDaddy.

We use Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2) to secure communications between ManageMyHealth and you

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol used to establish a secure communications channel between two systems. It is used to authenticate one or both systems, and protect the confidentiality and integrity of information that passes between systems.

Why does rigorous authentication matter?
When you follow a link to a Web site, how do you know it is real? There are criminals who create Web sites that look familiar in order to trick visitors into revealing personal and financial information. These "phishing" web sites can be very difficult to distinguish from legitimate Web sites.

Your online security and protecting your ManageMyHealth account
At ManageMyHealth, we take the security of your personal information and health information seriously. There are number of things we’re constantly doing to enhance our security, but there are a number of things you can do to stay safe online and safe guard your privacy:

Protecting your ManageMyHealth Account and Password

  • When logging into ManageMyHealth using your browser, always type in your browser address bar. Then click on “Login” button.

  • We recommend that you do not use the same password across your various online accounts. Always use a different password for your ManageMyHealth account.

  • It is possible that cyber criminals may try to impersonate ManageMyHealth. Remember that we will never ever email you or call you and ask for your password for ManageMyHealth account.

  • Wi-Fi – Avoid using unsecure Wi-Fi or public Wi-Fi when logging into your ManageMyHealth account.

  • If you have to use a public computer to access ManageMyHealth, please always remember to log out and clear the web browser cache after you have done.

  • If you feel the computer you used was suspect, please change your password when you go home or from a computer you trust to be safe.

  • Contact us immediately, if you notice anything suspicious or amiss with your ManageMyHealth Account.


To protect yourself from online vulnerabilities, we strongly recommend that you:

  • Make sure you are using a reputable Web Brower. Make sure it is current and supported version of that browser.

  • If you are going to install third party “add-ons/plug-ins” or third party “custom tool bars” for your web browser, ensure they are reliable and don not expose you to vulnerabilities.

  • Regularly apply software updates/patches to windows and other software protect against vulnerabilities.

  • Subscribe to a reputable anti-virus solution to protect yourself online. Ensure that the anti-virus solution is regularly kept up-to-date with manufacturer’s updates. Also follow recommend actions such as running a full scan of your computer at least weekly.

  • Use a firewall to protect your systems from unauthorised network traffic.

  • Do not open any email attachments from people you do not know. Attachments is one of the primary ways your computer can be infected by malware and computer virus.

  • Do not click on any links in any unsolicited emails/messages.

  • Never reply to unsolicited emails and messages. Immediately delete these messages/emails or report as spam.

Health Portal, Patient Portal, New Zealand Health Portal,Manage My Health